SUS-TER addresses the necessity of Modernisation of University Curricula taking into account the priorities identified at regional level. In particular this will be pursued through the design, elaboration and pilot testing of an innovative course, based on the concepts of modularity, integration of theoretical and practical knowledge, on the blending of different learning methods, and recognition within existing HEI curricula.
The innovatively trained Profile of “Territorial Enhancer” (TE) will be qualified to activate and facilitate processes of sustainable valorization of territorial products and services through the design and implementation of:
‐ local forms of interaction between resources, society and the local economy, applying a territorial
development approach;
‐ local systems of governance of biocultural rural territories and associated knowledge and know‐how;
‐ territorial marketing plans, applying methodologies allowing the local enterprises to participate in markets competitively, sustainably and inclusively.
During the duration of the project, the SUS-TER course for the profile of “Territorial enhancer” will be delivered
both in each university and at international level.
At international level it will be delivered twice and will be based on a total student workload between 250 and 350
hours (corresponding to 10‐14 ECTS).
The course will mix presential and at distance teaching modules. Presential modules will take the form of Territorial Laboratories, with local cases and teachers in a logic of «intercultural territorial learning» where the classroom goes to the field in order to work, interact and learn with local stakeholders and masters, local actors’ organizations, local public bodies.
The SUS‐TER Course will be delivered the first time in the second half of 2020, and the second one in the first half of 2021.
In the first edition the Territorial Laboratory will be held in Colombia and organized by the Universidad de Caldas. In the second edition the Territorial Laboratory will be held in Mexico and organized by the Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciudad de Mexico. Territorial laboratories will be organized in areas selected on the basis of biocultural diversity and territorial development status. In principle the Coffee Cultural Landscape has been selected with emphasis on the departments of Caldas and Quindío in Colombia, and the rural area around Puebla in Mexico.
The number of students selected will be in total 84 (42 per edition). 8 students for each partner university will be selected. 20 more attendants will be selected within partner organizations in the territories were the laboratories will be held.
The call for students will indicatively open in February 2020 for the Colombia course, and in September 2020 for the Mexico course.